《聲明:譴責無理拘捕蔡玉玲 文明社會不容政治打壓》

Statement : Condemn on Unreasonable Arrest of Choy Yuk-ling; No Political Suppression in Civilised Society
The Hong Kong police arrested Ms Choy Yuk-ling on 3rd November 2020 with an unreasonable “so-called regulation” for political suppression on journalists. Our association condemns that this incident undermines the press freedom and disregards the public’s right to know.
Since the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance was amended in 2003, many traditional newspaper companies and news media used the data from vehicle search service for news reports. This time, a journalist was prosecuted for investigating the truth as before, which is a shame to law.
A journalist must ensure that the information accuracy when producing a news report, so it is necessary to look for the vehicle data. The police use the law to attack press freedom, which seriously affects the duty of a reporter using its fourth estate for social surveillance. Besides, this incident involves Anti-ELAB movement. The police put pressure on the media in this incident, which indeed is suspected of political intimidation, and a civilised community would never allow.
In this regard, our association strongly condemns police enforcement. One of the main aims of the regulation is to protect the public’s right and interest, including the right to know, which cannot be abused as a tool of political suppression.
The police have repeatedly attacked press freedom recently. Our association hereby promises that all online journalists will keep their responsibilities, reporting the truth to the community. Although we are facing legal challenges, we will continue to ensure news authenticity.
The Alliance of Hong Kong Online Media Practitioners